Join an enriching community symposium for a festival of films, educated speakers and renewable energy industry leaders, followed by interactive dialogue.
Now is the time to make wise choices as to what impact we wish to have on our beautiful environment through the intelligent sourcing of energy and in the nurturing of a healthy economy.
With creativity, innovation and our investment capital we are able to ensure the well-being of future generations.
It's not all about what you can afford
by luck or circumstance.
It's about seeing yourself as a part of the whole,
what our environment can sustain.
10~ 11~ 17~ 18 / 2015
Another beautiful morning on British Columbia's mainland coast and I am thinking about the origin of my inspiration to host the 3E Festival.
2 stars shine forth ~ last year's S.O.S. Marine Rally, held in the beautiful fiord of Howe Sound when I took a photo of a handsome lot of young women, the Italians would call them "regazze", afloat on a contraption, enjoying such richness of music, community and nature in their own front yard.
The Port Mellon pulp mill puffing in the background.
A simple question came to mind ~ in contemplating LNG tankers, a processing port, and pipelines under the estuary ~ how much additional heavy industry is possible in order to maintain a balance with the ever-increasing value of recreation & tourism and our health ?
Represented in front of me was the very essence of our youth, taking the relay baton from my generation, trusting us, their parents, in feeding off our intention, yet realizing that our legacy may very well not support their lives.
Star #2 - How could I possibly throw my role in that relationship to the wind, instead of applying myself, giving it a shot, to gather my community in order to find consensus from the perspective of focussing on the positive; of deciding upon what we want to say "yes" to; finding alternatives that are superior in all ways ~ energetically, environmentally and economically ~ to an old industry of fossil fuel extraction that is destroying the planet, and is now threatening Howe Sound.
It has become painfully clear to me over the past several years that there is no facet of the fossil fuel industry, including the more recent confabulated Liquid Fractured Gas product, that redeems or excuses the delay to renewable energy sources and systems.
Being an entrepreneur at heart, the evidence is crystal clear, as clear as we wish the waters of Howe Sound to remain, that there is an abundance of, and endless possibilities for, sustainable economic wealth in this region, without our involvement in oil and gas.
When we focus on the next generation, rather than our own, all the decisions become so easy.
Like eating pie!
How sound is Howe Sound, with the additional influences of harbouring a processing, cooling, and export terminal for LFG / LNG tankers, with pipelines under the estuary and the raising of temperature of the surrounding marine environment?
Lots of issues requiring prudent, thoughtful consideration.
Beyond the shores of our home and still within the realm of our stewarding, is what is happening 'up-line' ~ to where the fracturing is actually taking place.
Now this is a serious reality check that some who live on the coast are much less cognitive of ~ oh man, it is time to turn and look inland if you don't know, as it is not pretty! And the people who live there need our support!
It is time to pull the plug on subsidizing this industry and watch how quickly that system falls apart.
It is closing time at that free open bar!
Closing Time!
Wise words for this industry to heed would be to
"go to bed or modernize instead"
(kindly leave any guns at the door).